Accomplished District Manager with a proven track record at Circle K adept in strategic planning and operations management. Excelled in boosting performance metrics and fostering a culture of teamwork and professional growth. Skilled in recruiting, with a keen attention to detail, significantly reducing shrinkage rates and optimizing inventory control.
Knowledgeable District Manger with proven track record in overseeing multiple locations and driving operational excellence. Successfully managed teams to improve customer satisfaction and streamline processes. Demonstrated leadership and strategic planning skills to achieve business goals and foster team collaboration.
Hardworking and passionate with strong organizational skills eager to achieve company goals.
Ranked in the top 3 District Managers for the Heartland Circle K BU which consist of 100+ District Managers in my first full year.
Awarded 1st place in Mystery Shop Award
Awarded Play to Win Award
Awarded Do the Right Thing Award
Currently in the top 5 District Managers for 2024/2025 fiscal year.
In my district I have the top 5 stores in my market for the whole BU